Solo-Step Balance System

Patients using the Solo-Step gait and balance therapy system during gait, balance, or strength training therapy will be able to experience a level of independence and confidence they’ve never felt before!

Some of the benefits patients can experience while using the Solo-Step include:

  • Decrease in their fear of falling down
  • Increase in their confidence
  • Ability to challenge themselves
  • A safe environment for balance, strength, and gait training
  • 100% safety from any fall-related injuries

The Solo-Step balance therapy equipment can be used with virtually any type of patient who is at risk of falling or just needs some extra confidence to reach their next milestone.

There are many different types of patients who could benefit from using the Solo-Step such as:

  • Neurological Disorders
  • Balance Disorders
  • Geriatrics
  • Bariatrics
  • Pediatrics
  • Amputees
  • High Performance Athletes
  • Adaptive Athletes
  • Anyone at risk of falling

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